Noodle will miss his snuggly spot.
Kevin had personal days from his job in Potsdam left over at the end of his contract, so two whole weeks were open for both of us to see it all and finish the packing and other tedious things that go along with moving.
A last visit to the dentist for both of us shortly before the intended holiday slightly altered our plans however.
I needed surgery, but we were too late to do it before we left. Kevin, it was determined, also needed surgery- namely his wisdom teeth needed to come out, and we had just enough time left before the intended move to have them yanked.
So, on Kevin's first day of holiday the first two were removed. Here is the result:
In Germany it is normal to have your wisdom teeth removed two at a time, a week apart.
Normally you are also awake for the surgery and you have only 600mg of advil to kill the pain afterward.
To make matters even worse, Kevin's back, which was already in bad shape, was really killing him after hanging out on the couch for two days. Our plans for touring and general adieu saying were re-tooled and off we went to sample the highlights before Kevin had the second set of teeth pulled.
First stop: Berlin's Botanical Gardens
We were there for the re-opening of the main glass house, which was impressive.
The grounds are really lovely too, all 126 acres of them, making this the second largest botanical in the world.
I had been here once in the winter by myself but it was pleasant to see it together and on such a gorgeous day!
Next stop: Berlin's Natural History Museum
Where one can see dinos, skulls and a whole wall full of stuffed creatures.
This museum had one of the most impressive fossil collections i had ever seen and by far the most through gem and mineral collection i have ever witnessed. It is also home to the famously rare fossil of archeopteryx- feathers and all! (quick note to those who care about these things: there are only a hand full of these that have ever been found. Most natural history museums have one, but they are plaster copies of the original, i.e. this one!)
Poor Kevin was wheelchair bound for the day, but he did get to ride the wheelchair lift up the stairs- wheee!
Item Number 3: The Berlin Zoo
This is Germany's oldest zoo, built in 1844. It is known for it's lovely walking paths, unusual architecture for the animals (as seen here) and for the wide variety of animals housed there.
And now, gratuitous photos of cute animals!
Sand bath

Sand bath
This Panda came right up to Kevin and looked him in the eye. Kevin was too surprised to have captured that moment on film. (some things are better experienced)
This little guy was amazingly sweet.
This little guy was too.
Media darling Knut (the polar bear that was abandoned by his birth mother and raised by humans) going through the awkward teenage years.
The end of part one.